10 Spellbinding Pictures of Japan by Photographers That You Should Know
by Diccon Sandrey | ART
© Yukari Chikura, See Below for More Information
From the majesty of Mount Fuji to the romance of the rain-spattered streets, there is so much beauty in Japan. It is little wonder that it inspires such breathtaking images from photographers, amateur and professional alike.
We have chosen 10 of our favorites photos for you, so sit back and enjoy these stunning Japan pictures from this selection of incredible Japanese photographers.
Hidenobu Suzuki Photographs the Spring Wonder of Mount Fuji
© Hidenobu Suzuki
This evocative photo of Mount Fuji is furnished with a the carpet of shibazakura, or ‘lawn cherry blossom’, so-called because of the similar rich color that recalls the cherry tree flowers.
Photographer Hidenobu Suzuki is a prolific documenter of natural beauty in his beautiful and sometimes otherworldly images of Japan. If you like this sample, you will love the selection at 500px.com.
2. The Heavens Dance for Man Furuyua
© Man Furuya, Real Imagination
Man Furuya’s long exposure compositions catch the “motion in fixed images” to animate the Japanese landscape. Here the moon traces a path across the enduring face of Mount Fuji.
To see more of his fascinating wok, visit manfstudio2.com.
3. Images of Dawn over Mount Fuji by Yu Yamauchi
© Yu Yamauchi, Dawn
Almost as incredible as this shot from Mount Fuji, is the effort it took photographer Yu Yamauchi to capture it.
Prolific photographer Yamauchi spent a grueling five straight months, for four consecutive years, living in a hut on the side of Mount Fuji. Every day he would rise with the sun to take an image from the same spot. From his dedication emerged the mesmerizing collection entitled 夜明け (yoake), or Dawn.
Find out more about Yamauchi’s breathtaking work from his website yuyamauchi.com, or visit the Michael Hoppen Gallery in London.
4. Yukari Chikura Japan Pictures both Reveal and Preserve
© Yukari Chikura
Every January since the year 800, local villagers in the snowcapped mountainous region of Akita Prefecture in Northern Japan gather at a Shinto shrine to perform sacred rituals of happiness and longevity.
Japanese Photographer Yukari Chikura documented this ancient ceremony in the hope that this wondrous cultural heritage could be preserved for many more generations to come. For more information see yukari.chikura.me.
5. The Quintessential Japan Photo for the Dreamer, by Takashi Kuriyama
©Takashi Kuriyama
The perfect composition of this image from photographer Takashi Kuriyama makes you want to drift through these torii gates into another world.
Experience Kuriyama’s vision of Japan through his photography at age-cox.com.
6. Takahiro Bessho Captures the Unusual Illumination at this Japanese Temple
© Takahiro Bessho
The handcrafted paper umbrellas turn this temple scene into a festival of light.
To mark the summer festival of Obon, Oyama Temple in Tottori placed over one hundred handmade traditional paper umbrellas in front of the lanterns lighting the grounds.
Master photographer Takahiro Bessho shows how to make the most of the exuberant color and textured detail of the umbrellas. To see more of his work visit takahirobessho.com.
7. Akinori Ito Puts a Fashion Spin on Japanese Garden Photography
© Akinori Ito
Japanese Zen gardens unveil their transient best in springtime, where the lush honeydew green encourages mindfulness of seasonality.
Tokyo-based Akinori Ito is one of the best Japanese fashion photographers on the scene, whose client list includes Vogue, Elle Japan, Nylon Japan and many more. See some of his fine work at ideasandphotography.tumblr.com.
8. Images of Kyoto City from Nandin Yuan
© Nandin Yuan
Japanese design is known for its understated simplicity but this astonishing shot reveals an overlay of intricately handcrafted roofs that defies convention!
Nandin Yuan reveals the many faces of modern Japan in photos that inspire through their clarity and intricate detail. Check out his work on instagram or visit studio-bridge.jp.
9. An Iconic Japan Photo Refreshed by Takashi Yasui
© Takashi Yasui
The red tori gates of Kyoto’s Fushimi Inari shrine are often photographed, but Takashi Yasui has captured an unusual perspective. The violent crimson against the melancholic gray rock leaves you in no doubt that this is a sacred site.
Yasui always delivers a fresh vision in his Japan pictures. See more of his work at takashiyasui.com.
10. A Photogenic Kyoto Visitor Models for Kohei Shimizu
© Kohei Shimizu
A heron enjoys the view of Toji temple, Kyoto, in this great shot from Japanese Photographer Kohei Shimizu.
Shimizu’s travel photography really captures the spirit of a place. To see more, take a look at koheishimizu.tumblr.com.
Which are your favorite Japanese photographers? Let us know in the comments below!
ART | February 5, 2022